Media Bible - Camera Angles

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This post is a continuation on the sacrilegious media bible series of posts ... This time I am talking about Camera Angles.

Birds eye view

This shot is taken from directly above. This shot can make objects temporarily distorted or unrecognisable, but later become clear. This shot can make the audience feel almost god like and the characters look like ants.


This shot is elevated above the action by the use of a crane. Higher shots make the subject look smaller and insignificant. this makes the audience begin to feel for the subject as it looks as if they are in danger. subjects often get swallowed up in their surroundings as the camera zooms out.


A low shot makes the subject appear bigger or taller so that they seem more dominant, important, intimidating or in control. This shot is achieved by having a camera positioned down low and angled upward at the subject.


Used for dramatic effect this shot is achieved but the camera angle not following any parallel or perpendicular lines within the frame.

Eye Level

A fairly neutral shot; the camera is positioned as though it is a human actually observing a scene, so that actors' heads are on a level with the focus. The camera will be placed approximately five to six feet from the ground. Depending on the height of the subject.

apostrophejosh media blog

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.