Media Bible - Camera Shots

So This is my "Media Bible". Basically its every key shot,angle and lighting affect all composed on one big sacrilegious blog post... Enjoy ;)

First of all I am going to cover Camera Shots.

Establishing Shot

An Establishing Shot is the normally an opening shot to  a new scene, This is designed for the director to let the audience know where the following scene will be taking place. Typically a very wide shot or extreme wide shot and are often linked to time, For example the Establishing Shot will be of a sun set, this  tells the audience that it is late in the afternoon. An Establishing Shot is useful after a possible time/location shift from the previous scene to give a sense of realism. The Extreme/Wide shot adds a sense of mystery to the viewer as they are unaware of what is about to happen at the location shown on the establishing shot. Although this method was used in Movies and TV alike in the past; Directors these days tend to use them minimally or not at all. This is to keep the pace of the Movie/Tv Drama and to avoid boring viewers.
Batman - The Dark Knight
Bullring - Birmingham - 12/08/14
Close Up
Close ups can be seen in all types of media, from Magazines, Photography to Tv and Films. These consist of the camera being focused on a single individual, this is so the audience can see the character in detail and also some of the surrounding area. Close Up’s can often be regarded as an emotional shot as features of the character can be seen in detail.
Iron Man 3
Grace Knowles 16/02/12
Extreme Close Up
Very similar to a Close Up, an Extreme Close up where a the shot is again focused into a individual but much closer, eliminating most of the surrounding area and features of the individual that could have been seen on a close up
X Men First Class
Jake Foster 24/09/14

Mid Shot
A Mid Shot allows more of the Subject to be visible, Similar to how much of a person would been seen if conversing in real life. The Mid Shot still allows hand gestures to be visible and has an emotional neutral. For this reason it is used a lot on Television for interviewers and news reports.
The Hunger Games
Jacob Daniels - 17/09/14
Long Shot
A Long Shot is where the entire body is visible (sometimes referred to as a full shot or a wide shot as it normally requires the use of a wide angle lenses) with the full body visible the audience is able to see more of the surroundings and get a bigger understanding on what is going on.

Joseph Spencer Watts
Extreme Long shot
An Extreme Long Shot is similar to a Long Shot in the sense that the whole body is visible within the frame. However it is, by definition, more extreme where the subject is small in comparison to the visual surroundings

The Great Gatsby

Me - 30/06/14
Wide Shot
A wide shot is just like a extreme long shot. It is used to give the audience more insight information to what is going on within the plot. It can also be used to orientate the viewers to where the action is happening in relation to the location of previous cuts. the wide shot allows the actor to move around more within frame without having the camera track the actor.
The Avengers

Emma Silver - 23/08/14
Extreme Wide Shot
An Extreme wide shot is simply a wide shot on steroids. Very popular for large scale fight scenes.
Los Lobos - 27/08/14
Two Shot
Two shots contain two people. Both are given equal amounts of the frame, this symbolises equal power. It can also be used by the director to inform the audience of the start of a friendship. Often used on talk shows where there are two presenters.
The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers

Me and Lauren - 18/09/14
Aerial Shot
This shot is basically an extreme high angle shot. this shot is normally taken from a camera attached to a crane or a high stationary point. This shot can both present power and authority, but also weakness and vulnerability.

Man on a Ledge

Pennyboarding - 14/07/14
Over the shoulder shot
This shot is filmed over the shoulder from behind one of the characters, usually looking at another character.


Chloe buying a drink - 24/09/14
Point of view shot
This shot shows a view from the subjects perspective. it is usually edited in such a way that it is obvious who’s POV it is.

Me, Bored in an airport during a 8 hour delay

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The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.