School Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

15:30 , 0 Comments

From my questionnaire I now have a better understanding about the demographic for my school magazine. From analyzing the results I have concluded that my target market are students aged 16-18. Also concluded by the analysis of the questionnaire is that my target audience liked the colour scheme that involved blacks, grays, blues and greens. Because of this I am going to try and incorporate the colour scheme through out the magazine. The majority of the people who I had answer the questionnaire thought that advertising for some relevant local events would be a good thing to include and that they also wanted to see some global issues mentioned in the magazine.

When asked, my target audience  thought that the school magazine should be written in standard English so that it would to be natural for them to read as Standard English or Slang would not be as easy for them to read. They also wanted to read about latest charity events that the school has put on and also results of the past sport fixtures along with the future fixtures that may be of interest to some readers. Concerning the inclusion of global issues I would like to include a mixture of global issues and an national issues that might be more personal to some students rather than the bigger global issues that might be too distant for them. Many of the students want other external factors such as discount codes and money off vouchers for high street and online shopping that are exclusive to the students at the school, this will encourage students to pick up and read the magazine as this is an added incentive to be regular readers of the publication.

Many of the people I questioned said they wanted a relatively even mix between photos used within the magazine, these included: modeling of latest school apparel, pictures of students hard at work and in the classroom and an action shot of a sports fixture. I will take these into consideration when arranging my photo shoots and collecting the photos I need. Half the people I questioned thought that a school magazine should be free, however some people thought that they would pay up to a maximum of 50p for each edition. I will have to take this into consideration as offering exclusive offers might be hard to find and costly…costs that would have to be covered somehow. 

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