Existing School Magazine Analysis

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Magazine 1

Masthead – uses ‘The Hampton Herald’ this is to establish what the magazine is. This puts it aside against magazines from other schools. The type face is a serif font thus appearing more sophisticated and presented in a golden shade. Because of this it appeals to an older people, because of the nature of the magazine the most likely target audience is the parents of the children at the Hampton school.

The feature headline – ‘Do you want to be in my gang?’ this headline coupled with the purpose of the school magazine targets the issue that many schools face, gangs and bullies, due to the magazine being aimed at parents its purpose is to attract the interest of the readers as it involves their children.

Date and Price – The only relation to a date on this magazine front cover is the relation to ‘summer 2014’, from this it can be assumed that this magazine is released termly. There is also no visible price tag on the front cover, due to this being a school magazine it is hardly surprising that they are traditionally given out for free to parents.

Main Image – The image featured on the front cover of this magazine clearly is of an important woman, an assumption can be made that this woman is ‘Angela Merkel’, clearly this woman is of relevance and is used in association to the headline. The mid shot shows a professional look to the photo itself, this gives trust to the reader as it shows trust. You can see that the topic is on the EU as the flag is behind her. In addition the stars of the flag almost look like a halo behind her. The background of the image is blue and the clothes she is wearing are also blue which doesn't make her stand out and suggests a corporate image.

Layout – In this layout your eyes are first drawn to the image as this is in the middle of the page. Your eyes then move to the feature headline. 

Heading – ‘In This Edition’ informs the reader that what is displayed below is the contents for the rest of the magazine.

Colour Scheme – the colour scheme is black on white with a yellow themed header, this makes it easier to print or copy the document in black on white if the need came for it.

The Heading – The heading at the top of the page says the words ‘Free Trade Versus National Sovereignty?’ tells the reader what to expect within the following article.

The Layout – Each page is separated into two columns, this is so the reader can focus on the story rather than be distracted by pictures and fancy info graphics. One picture is used however to help illustrate the point but it is clear that

Graphics – The school coats of arms are displayed in the heading banner to identify the article with being with the school. In addition there is another picture opposite to this which we can assume is a picture of the school. 

Magazine 2

Masthead – uses ‘The Lion” this is to establish what the magazine is. This puts it aside against magazines from other schools. The type face is a Sans serif font thus appearing more modern and presented in a yellow shade. Because of this it appeals to a modern person, because of the nature of the magazine the most likely target audience is the parents of the children at The Lion School.

Date and Price – The only relation to a date on this magazine front cover is the relation to ‘2011’ and ‘2012’, from this it can be assumed that this magazine is released yearly. There is also no visible price tag on the front cover, due to this being a school magazine it is hardly surprising that they are traditionally given out for free to parents.

Main Image – The main image is of a group of teenagers climbing up a cliff face while carrying all their hiking gear and safety helmets, ropes and harnesses. As the magazine is normally intended to students and parents, this will show younger students of some of the fun activities that are coming up for them and also assure the parents that their children are not only enjoying themselves but also are safe in what they are doing

Layout – In this layout your eyes are first drawn to the image as this is in the middle of the page. Your eyes then move to the feature headline. 

Heading – ‘The Lion 2011-2012’ is a continuation of the front page and gives a sense of continuity.

Colour Scheme – the colour scheme is yellow text on a blue background, often seen as a very upper class and expensive colour scheme.

Layout – There are square images which coincide with the headings to the left of them, these inform the reader which page different sections are on. This helps readers easily navigate to the section they are most interested in.

The Heading – The heading at the bottom left of the left page says the words ‘New Staff’ tells the reader what to expect within the following article.

The Layout – Each page is separated into three columns, this is so the reader can focus on the story rather than be distracted by pictures and fancy info graphics. Despite this a picture has been included in each section (roughly once in each third) this is because the context of the text requires that a picture complements it because it introduces the new staff. Some parents/students would want to put a face to the name.

Graphics – Some graphics are used subtly in the background that break the page up so that it isn’t boring and monotonous like some standard black on white text can be.

Magazine 3

Masthead – uses ‘The Lion” this is to establish what the magazine is. This puts it aside against magazines from other schools. The type face is a Sans serif font thus appearing more modern and presented in a yellow shade. Because of this it appeals to a modern person, because of the nature of the magazine the most likely target audience is the parents of the children at The Lion School.

Date and Price – The only relation to a date on this magazine front cover is the relation to ‘2012’ and ‘2013’, from this it can be assumed that this magazine is released yearly. There is also no visible price tag on the front cover, due to this being a school magazine it is hardly surprising that they are traditionally given out for free to parents.

Main Image – The main image is of a paining that shows two teenage boys illuminated by a laptop in the dark, both boys appear to be wearing their school uniform. Due to the nature of the magazine it can be implied that the image on the front cover is actually a painting done by one of the students and a story will feature inside about the student themselves.

Layout – In this layout your eyes are first drawn to the image as this is in the middle of the page. Your eyes then move to the feature headline. 

Heading – ‘The Lion 2012-2013’ is a continuation of the front page and gives a sense of continuity.

Colour Scheme – the colour scheme is yellow text on a black background, often seen as a very upper class and expensive colour scheme.

Layout – There are square images which coincide with the headings to the left of them, these inform the reader which page different sections are on. This helps readers easily navigate to the section they are most interested in.

The Heading – The heading is in the top left of the double page spread overlaying the image that spans the left page.

The Layout – Les Misèrables is a play. It can be assumed that The Lion school preformed this play, on the top of each page there are pictures from the play and the right pace features many close ups of the characters.  Two columns are on the left page which dives information about the performance. The text is white on a black background, this helps represent the dark nature of the play.

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