Media Bible - Camera Movements

18:05 0 Comments

This is the third instalment of the sacrilegious media bible, this time I'm looking at camera movements... Enjoy :D


When the camera moves in a particular direction, it moves in that direction and follows the thing that is being filmed


Similar to pan however the camera moves in the vertical movement.


Camera is on a track that follow the subject in a smooth and steady movement. The camera stays at the same level.


A crane shot is a camera attached to a long crane. The most obvious uses are to view the actors from above or to move up and away from them, a common way of ending a movie.


A type of camera stabilizer mount for motion picture cameras that mechanically isolates it from the operator's movement. It allows for a smooth shot, even when moving quickly over an uneven surface.


Zooming is one camera move that most people are probably familiar with. It involves changing the focal length of the lens to make the subject appear closer or further away in the frame. Zooming is one of the most frequently-used camera moves and one of the most overused. Use it carefully!!

Reverse Zoom

The same as the Zoom but in reverse. the shot is originally zoomed in and gradually zooms out.


Moving the camera up or down without changing its vertical or horizontal axis. A camera operator can do two types of pedestals: pedestal up means "move the camera up;" pedestal down means "move the camera down." You are not tilting the lens up, rather you are moving the entire camera up.

(gif for pedestal coming soon... i couldn't find one)

apostrophejosh media blog

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.