Analysis - Contents Page

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On the contents page, there is a small masthead of the magazine. This is used to remind the reader of the magazine that they are reading. It is also to associate with the listing of the music charts, which has been provided by the magazine. This is a unique feature that the magazine provides.

‘Contents’ is placed at the top of the page, and used a bold font in black. This informs the reader of what the page is, making it easy for them to find. This font is also very bold against the white background, clearly stating what the page is. 

On the page there are multiple images relating to the stories listed below. There are also page numbers associated with each image, making it easier to find the article that this image relates to. The main image is of an artist, who is situated on the center right of the page. This causes the reader to look down the page to where the articles are listed. 

The colours consist of whites, blues and blacks making it very minimalistic. This allows the page to look neat and easy to read, with main information being highlighted in the blue. This is also a very calming colour, helping the reader to easily navigate the page without being distracted by too many features.
The page has been split up into two sections, with the directory of the articles on the right, and the charts on the left. This allows the reader to easily navigate around the page and find the information they want quickly. 
This page is also unique compared to others with the use of the charts. Showing the no.1s and selected songs of the week, it really gets into the feel of a music magazine before getting into the main parts of the magazine. However, this isn't distracting from the rest of the page, and fits in well with the layout. 

 By having one of the leads of “140 songs to download now!” they are able appeal to the audience of the magazine. Due to it being a music magazine, this will highly interest their readers, which is why it has been presented in a bold, black font. 
The magazine has been well laid out with text boxes to display the information down the left side of the page. They layout clearly represents what is contained within the magazine, with images situated on the right side of the page, with page numbers for the corresponding articles.  The large image of Lana Del Ray suggests that this is the main article within the magazine. This will attract the audience which are interested in the artist. 
The colour scheme for this content page is minimal by using reds, blacks and whites. These colours are quite neutral, yet the red allows certain features to stand out against the page. The titles and the numbers for the stories are in red which suggests that they are important to the magazine
The main image is of Lana Del Ray, suggesting that she is the main focus within the magazine. She is looking directly at the reader, creating eye contact and attracting the reader to the page this image also further stands out against the page by using a close up shot of the artist, while having blood on her face. This adds some mystery to the theme of the article, which can cause the reader to become more interested in the contents of the magazine.
The content page uses a lot of direct modes of address such as “we” and “you” which makes the reader feel like they are being directly talked to. It is also very demanding with ‘140 songs to demand now!’ This causes a sense of urgency among the reader, causing them to want to see this list and what they are supposed to download. 

The main image is a mid shot of the vocalist from the band The Bronx who is shown singing at a gig. The image is larger than the others on the page, showing that it is the main feature of the magazine,. This is then coupled with the page number of the article and a brief description of the article. The page number is also in a yellow, bold font, causing it to stand out against the image. This further implies that this is an important article which should be read by the reader. 
 There are many images on this page of a variety of articles to attract different types of readers. Like the main image, they are coupled with the page number and description. This is to give the reader a taste of the article before they are to read it.
The date and issue number are important features as they show how current it is. This then informs the reader of previous issues that they may have missed. Also they are in a white font contrasting with the black box, helping it to stand out. 
Like the title at the top of the page, yellow bold sub headings in the same font as masthead have been positioned underneath. The sub headings show the reader what the main areas of interest the magazine features. 
The colours consist of yellow, black and white. This is minimalistic, with the yellow being used to highlight the main features of the page such as page numbers.  Red is also used at the bottom of the page for subscription deals to the magazine. This also allows it to stand out against the page, and helps to further advertise the magazine and interest the reader into getting future issues. 

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