Band Identity - Editing Photos

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To edit all the photos in my Music Magazine I will be using Adobe Photoshop CC 2014. This lets me change all elements of the photo to give the exact look that I want.

Front Cover

Here is the original photo that I am wanting to use on my front cover:

I have cropped the photo to the correct size of 210 x 297 to fit a4  paper and positioned the photo to where I want it. I also used the Patch Tool and the Spot Healing Tool to touch up the skin of my model as codes and conventions of Music Magazines have flawless skin on all of their models.

After this I added a blue layer over the image and dropped the opacity to 20%, Changed the Hue And Saturation to boost the Blue colours and adjusted the Levels to deepen the colour contrast. I then grouped the blue layer, hue and saturation layer and the levels layer into a folder and used a Layer Mask to only adjust the background of the image as I only wanted to darken the blues of the background.

I then wanted to make the model darker to give more contrast against the background, to do this I edited the Levels and created a Layer Mask over the image to only edit the model, similar to what I did previously on the background.

On my front cover I want to have a small thumbnail that looks like a frame from a music video. To do this just took a basic photo and added a play button over it in Photoshop, reducing the opacity giving it the feel that is a video on a social media site

Contents Page

Editing this image didn't take much effort as the RAW photo had really nice white balance and lens flare. All I did to this picture is soften the exposure and touched to the models skin like in the previous photo using the Spot Healing Tool and the Patch Tool.
 The image has also been slightly cropped as not all the background was necessary.

Double Page Spread 

Making the double page spread was much more difficult because I wanted to merge two different images, taken from two different locations.
Here are the two images that I wanted to merge:

First of all I had to use the Lasso Tool to cut out the phone box from its background. I had issues when it came to the feet of the model as the raw photo had not captured the feet properly. I had to use the Clone Tool and the Eraser Tool to try and edit them back in.

I then overlay the phone box on the picture of the train station. I had to change the perspective of the phone box by using the Skew Tool, Distort Tool, Perspective Tool and the Warp Tool to achieve this. Then I started to edit the photo... to edit the photo to how I like it I used 18 layers which can be seen below.
Here is the finished photo ready for the main article:

apostrophejosh media blog

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.