Photo shoot - Locations

08:46 , 0 Comments

Before I go onto my photo shoot I want to scout out some locations. To do this i will use both my local knowledge of the area that I live in and also Google Street View to look for locations that are further afield.
In Shifnal I plan to go to these locations:
This is Georges steps which is a local national walk, I know that the scenery here is lovely so I will conciser going here on my photo shoot. 

These are the Shifnal gardens, I doubt there will be to many appropriate backgrounds here but I think it is worth a shot to visit and make the most of the surrounding area.

This is the train station in Shifnal. I know that there are plenty of nice backgrounds at this location

I have decided to also use a model from a town called Bewdley, To add verity to locations i have decided to also have a photo shoot here.

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The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.